Medienberichte 2017 (Auswahl)
When Genetics and Linguistics Challenge the Winners’ Version of History
Smithsonian Magazine-29.03.2018
Genetik bewahrt Spuren des Widerstands gegen die Herrschaft der Inka
Archäologie Online-16.12.2017
Genetics of ancient resistance to Inca Rule
Estudio de ADN revela resistencia de cultura chachapoyas a dominio inca
El Comercio-13.12.2017
Genetics preserves traces of ancient resistance to Inca rule
Ancient Peruvian Culture That Inca Empire Claimed It Destroyed 500 Years Ago Resisted and Persisted, New DNA Evidence Shows
Non solo Inca: le civiltà precolombiane tra genetica e linguistica
Ancient Peruvian Culture That Inca Empire Claimed It Destroyed ...
Genetics, linguistics reveal Inca Empire resistance
Presence of an Original Population Demonstrated in Peru
Prensa Latina-12.12.2017
Jenseits von Afrika
DIE WELT-10.12.2017
Revising the story of the dispersal of modern humans across Eurasia
Science Daily-07.12.2017
Daily Mail-07.12.2017
It's Official: Timeline For Human Migration Gets A Rewrite
Discover Magazine (blog)-07.12.2017
Wie der Mensch die Welt eroberte
Revising the story of the dispersal of modern humans across Eurasia
Early Homo Sapiens Migrated From Africa 60000 Years Earlier Than We Thought
International Business Times-08.12.2017
The 'Out of Africa' Story of Human Migration Is Undergoing Major
No single 'out of Africa' migration for humans
The Nation-08.12.2017
Scientists revamp 'Out of Africa' model of early human migration
No single 'out of Africa' migration for humans: study
Early humans migrated out of Africa much earlier than we thought
Le migrazioni multiple di Homo sapiens dall'Africa
Le Scienze-11.12.2017
“It's Official”: Textbook Wisdom on Human Origins Is Wrong!
Discovery Institute-12.12.2017
Plague reached Europe by Stone Age
BBC News-22.11.2017
Stone-Age Migration Likely Brought Plague to Europe
Courthouse News Service-22.11.2017
The Plague Likely Arrived in Europe During the Stone Age
The Plague's Stone Age Origins – History News of the Week
New Historian-26.11.2017
The Plague May Have First Arrived In Europe During The Stone Age
Plague first came to Europe during the Stone Age
Der Tod, der aus der Steppe kam - 19.01.2018
These may be the world’s first images of dogs—and they’re wearing leashes
Science Magazine-16.11.2017
Are These the Oldest Images of Dogs?
National Geographic-17.11.2017
Early Images of Domesticated Dogs Found in Arabia
Rock Carvings of Ancient Dogs Getting Taught New Tricks
New York Times-20.11.2017
First known pictures of domestic dogs discovered after being carved into rock 9,000 years ago
The Independent-21.11.2017
Science news and notes: Dogs, humans bonded early
Bend Bulletin-28.11.2017
Were Israel's Canaan dogs man's best friends 9000 years ago?
The Times of Israel-23.11.2017
Long-Awaited Landscape
Harvard Medical School-21.09.2017
First large-scale ancient DNA study helps reconstruct African population structure
University of Bristol-21.09.2017
Erste großangelegte Genomstudie prähistorischer Skelette aus Afrika
innovations report-27.09.2017
Neue Einblicke in Afrikas Bevölkerungsgeschichte
Prähistorische Skelette aus Afrika verweisen auf überraschende Verwandtschaften.
Wölfe erkennen Ursache und Wirkung besser als Hunde
Wölfe verstehen kausale Zusammenhänge besser als Hunde
Hund oder Wolf – wer ist schlauer?
Thüringer Allgemeine-19.10.2017
Wolves understand cause and effect better than dogs
Your Dog Is Probably Dumber Than a Wolf, And Here's Why
Wolves have an understanding of cause and effect, study reveals (but dogs may have lost the ability)
Daily Mail-15.09.2017
Study finds wolves understand cause and effect better than dogs
Wolves understand cause and effect, dogs do not
Eurasia Review-16.09.2017
Ursache und Wirkung, der Wolf versteht das besser als der Hund
Wölfe verstehen kausale Zusammenhänge besser als Hunde
Mobile women were key to cultural exchange in Stone Age and Bronze Age Europe
Popular Archaeology-04.09.2017
Forget the wandering warrior: Bronze Age women travelled the world while men stayed at home
Women spread culture and knowledge around Europe 4000 years ago while men stayed at home according to ancient bone records
Daily Mail-04.09.2017
Mobile Women Key To Cultural Exchange In Stone Age And Bronze Age Europe
Eurasia Review-13.09.2017
Women Are Key To History Of Human Migration, Bones Show
International Business Times-05.09.2017
Mitteleuropäische Frauen der Bronzezeit waren sehr mobil
Female Mobility Key Element in Cultural Interchange during Stone Age and Bronze Age: Study
Grammatical patterns survive extreme social upheaval, study shows
UPI – 05.09.2017
Humans Learn Complex Grammatical Patterns Even in Extremely Challenging Circumstances
Science Newsline – 05.09.2017
Humans learn complex grammatical patterns even in extremely challenging circumstances - 05.09.2017
Humans have been altering tropical forests for at least 45000 years
Humans First Modified Tropical Forests 45000 Years Ago
Humans Have Been Cutting Down Forests For 45000 Years
International Business Times-03.08.2017
Los humanos alteran los bosques tropicales hace al menos 45.000 ...
Europa Press-03.08.2017
Humans have been altering tropical forests for at least 45,000 years
Süddeutsche Zeitung-03.08.2017
Evidence that ancient farms had very different origins than previously thought
Ancient DNA analysis reveals Minoan and Mycenaean origins
Ancient Greece: scientists crack DNA sequence from 'cradle of Western civilisation' for first time
International Business Times-02.08.2017
DNA clue to origins of early Greek civilization
BBC News-03.08.2017
The Greeks really do have near-mythical origins, ancient DNA reveals
First civilizations of Greece are revealing their stories to science
DNA Study Traces Greek Ancestry
Ursprung der Minoer und Mykener geklärt
scinexx | Das Wissensmagazin-02.08.2017
Alte DNA enthüllt Herkunft von Minoern und Mykenern
Archäologie Online-04.08.2017
An Ancient Lunchbox Emerges from the Ice
The New Yorker-04.08.2017
What We Can Learn From This Ancient ‘Lunchbox’
National Geographic-27.07.2017
Archäologen finden 4000 Jahre alte Proviantdose
Spiegel Online-26.07.2017
Jenaer Forscher untersuchen uralte Brotbüchse
Thüringer Allgemeine-26.07.2017
Körnerreste in 4000 Jahre alter Proviantbox gefunden
Stuttgarter Nachrichten-26.07.2017
Weizenfund in "Lunch-Box" aus der Bronzezeit
Brotzeitreste aus Bronzezeit
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung-27.07.2017
Seltener Weizenfund in bronzezeitlicher Lunch-Box
Archäologie Online-01.08.2017
3500-Year-Old 'Lunch Box' with Traces of Grain Found in Swiss Alps
Live Science-28.07.2017
Traces of Bronze Age-era cereals discovered in Swiss mountains
Archaeologists find key to tracking ancient wheat in frozen Bronze Age box
Weizenfund in "Lunch-Box" aus der Bronzezeit
4000-year-old lunch box found on Swiss alpine pass reveals Bronze Age cereal
The Local Switzerland-27.07.2017
Amazingly well preserved 3500-year-old lunch box discovered in Swiss Alps
International Business Times UK-26.07.2017
Identifying major transitions in human cultural evolution
Identifying major transitions in human cultural evolution
Science Daily-26.07.2017
New DNA From a Neanderthal Bone Holds Evidence of a Lost Tribe of Humans
Humans May Have Bred With Neanderthals Much Earlier Than Previously Thought
Early humans and Neanderthals interbred much earlier than once thought
Washington Post-08.07.2017
Thüringer Forscher schreiben Menschheitsgeschichte um
Thüringer Allgemeine-04.07.2017
Die geheimnisvolle Liaison des Neandertalers
New Thoughts on Neanderthal, Modern Human Interbreeding
Alte DNA wirft neues Licht auf Neandertaler-Evolution
Archäologie Online-07.07.2017
Neandertals and modern humans started mating early
Science Magazine-04.07.2017
DNA tests on prehistoric femur sheds new light on origins of man
Hohlenstein-Stadel cave rewrites history of Neanderthal-human relations
New Neanderthal Mitochondrial Genome Suggests Earlier Encounter With Modern Human Lineage
DNA tests on prehistoric femur sheds new light on origins of man
Ancient humans may have been mothers to some Neanderthals earlier than we thought
The Verge-04.07.2017
Die geheimnisvolle Liaison des Neandertalers
DNA of early Neanderthal gives timeline for new modern human-related dispersal from Africa
Neanderthal-Human Interbreeding Got an Early Start
The Scientist-05.07.2017
DNA from this 124000-year-old bone suggests humans and Neanderthals mated much earlier than thought
Neanderthal DNA Points To Proof Of Little-Known Ancient Human
Tech Times-05.07.2017
Signs of unidentified human tribe found in Neanderthal DNA
The Indian Express-06.07.2017
DNA tests on prehistoric femur sheds new light on origins of man
Alte DNA wirft neues Licht auf Neandertaler-Evolution
Neandertaler in neuem Licht
Stuttgarter Zeitung-04.07.2017
DNA from ancient Egyptian mummies reveals their ancestry
Washington Post-30.05.2017
Science in Action
BBC News-01.06.2017
Asal-usul Masyarakat Mesir Kuno Terungkap Berkat DNA Murni
National Geographic-02.06.2017
Erbgut ägyptischer Mumien enthüllt Verwandtschaft
Scientists thought ancient Egyptian mummies didn't have any DNA ...
Science Magazine-30.05.2017
Egyptian Mummy DNA Study Suggests Close Ties With Middle East ...
The surprising ancestry of ancient Egyptians: First ever genome ...
Daily Mail-30.05.2017
Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians' ancestry
The first genome data from ancient Egyptian mummies
Science Daily-30.05.2017
Scientists thought ancient Egyptian mummies didn't have any DNA ...
Science Magazine-30.05.2017
Who's your mummy? Genetic secrets of ancient Egypt unwrapped
Reuters-May 30, 2017
Genetisches Geheimnis ägyptischer Mumien entschlüsselt
DIE WELT-30.05.2017
Forscher lesen im Erbgut alter Ägypter
Spektrum der Wissenschaft-30.05.2017
Die Wege der Ägypter
Antik Mısır mumyalarının genleri ilk defa incelendi
BBC Türkçe-31.05.2017
DNA from mummies reveals their ancestry
The Columbian - Jun 8, 2017
Selon une étude, les habitants de l'Egypte ancienne n'ont pas grand ...
Le Journal du Geek - 31 mai 2017
Descifran por primera vez el ADN completo de momias de Egipto
Tras la huella genética de Alejandro Magno en las momias egipcias
El Mundo-30.05.2017
Nature Asia-30.05.2017
DNA van Egyptische mummies ontrafeld
De Morgen-30.05.2017
Vědci rozluštili DNA starověkých mumií. Neměly s dnešními ...
Berliner Morgenpost – 21.05.2017
L’Italia del Sud? Ha radici anche in Iran e Medioriente
Dire – 17.05.2017
Gemeinsames genetisches Erbe von Sizilien bis Zypern
Hamburger Abendblatt – 19.05.2017
Shared genetic heritage from Sicily to Cyprus
Heritagedaily – 16.05.2017
New Study: Shared genetic heritage from Sicily to Cyprus
Cyprus Beat – 19.05.2017
Siamo tutti migranti: l’Università di Bologna svela millenni di viaggi racchiusi nel Dna italiano
Thüringer Forschungspreis für Humangenetik und Batterieforschung.
Thüringer Allgemeine – 25.04.2017
22. Thüringer Forschungspreis in Jena vergeben
JenaTV – 25.04.2017
Jenaer Forscher überführt Pestbakterien als Auslöser des Schwarzen Todes
OTZ – 15.04.2017
„Preis für Pestforscher“. Johannes Krause
MDR Thüringen – 25.04.2017 (Beginn: 8:25)
Forschungspreis Thüringen 2017
Informationen zum Forschungspreis Thüringen
DNA reveals Aboriginal people had a long and settled connection to country
The Conversation AU-08.03.2017
Hair reveals Aboriginal presence across 50000 years
University World News-09.03.2017
Australian aboriginal hair shows 50000 years connection to country
Popular Archaeology-08.03.2017
Aboriginal Art Directory News-11.03.2017
Australia – Rewrite of History to Include 50000 Years of Aboriginal Life
Net Newsledger-10.03.2017
Aboriginal hair shows 50000 year connection to Australia
Science Daily-08.03.2017
Persistent tropical foraging in the highlands of terminal Pleistocene/Holocene New Guinea
Persistent tropical foraging in the highlands of terminal Pleistocene/Holocene New Guinea
‘Humans in one of the earliest areas of settled agriculture were not forced to farm’
University of Oxford-07.02.2017
New light cast on past human responses to climate change
University of Otago-15.02.2017
New doubts on whether early humans were forced to start farming
Computational methods applied to big datasets are compelling tools for historical linguistics