Mapping science-for-policy ecosystems in Europe and Germany

  • Datum: 31.05.2022
  • Uhrzeit: 15:00
  • Vortragende: Irene Broer
  • Leibnitz Institute for Media Research – Hans Bredow Institute, Germany
  • Ort: Online
  • Gastgeber: Palaeo-Science and History Group (PS&H)
  • Kontakt:
Mapping science-for-policy ecosystems in Europe and Germany
How does scientific expertise make its way into policy decisions? In this webinar, we present and compare existing science-for-policy mechanisms in Europe, before taking a deep-dive into Germany’s multilevel ecosystem. The participants will gain insight into different types of science-for-policy mechanisms ranging from ad-hoc crisis teams to formalized and long-term advisory bodies.
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