Vortrag von Ulrike Zeshan
- Datum: 29.02.2016
- Uhrzeit: 15:00 - 16:30
- Vortragende(r): Ulrike Zeshan
- Ort: MPI SHH Jena
- Raum: Villa V14
- Gastgeber: Abteilung Sprach- und Kulturevolution
- Kontakt: schueck@shh.mpg.de
Sign Language Typology and Cross-Modal Typology
Abstract: Sign language typology is the typologically driven study
of languages that use the visual-gestural rather than the
auditory-vocal modality. This allows typologists to consider
issues of language modality alongside typological patterns. In
this presentation, I give an overview of past and present
developments in sign language typology and introduce cross-modal
typology as a new development in the field.
Over the past 15 years, several studies in sign language typology
have examined domains of linguistic structures in over 30 sign
languages, and I summarise some key findings from research in the
domains of interrogatives, negation, possession, and numerals,
highlighting issues of general relevance such as areal typology
and grammaticalisation.
The second part of the presentation focuses on the various types
of modality effects that we can observe when systematically
investigating signed and spoken language data side-by-side. This
is a crucial component of cross-modal typology. Modality effects
may be absolute, where features exist only in one of the
modalities, or relative, where features are more frequent in one
modality than the other. However, categorising modality effects
and relating them to patterns of typological variation is not
straightforward and presents new challenges for typology.