Department of Archaeology Facilities

The Department of Archaeology has developed eight multi-function laboratory facilities for research in the archaeological sciences, with a strong focus on the identification of diagnostic biomolecules and the stable isotope analysis of bulk samples and specific compounds. Our research examines the organic and inorganic components of a range of materials, including bone, teeth, dental calculus, ceramics, charred and uncharred plant remains, coprolites, residues, and sediments. Our laboratories possess state-of-the-art equipment and are already amongst the leading laboratories globally for biomolecular and environmental archaeology. They are managed by our Laboratory Manager, Dr. Jana Ilgner (), together with numerous group leaders who jointly supervise a team of technicians and student helpers. We are committed to research and learning and have produced Open Access papers, videos, and interviews, as well as holding workshops, with the aim of widely circulating our methods and techniques so that as many researchers as possible from around the world can benefit.

Click on the individual laboratory pages below to learn more.

Main Laboratory Facilities

Archaeology Fieldwork
The Department of Archaeology has ongoing research programmes in numerous regions of the world. more
Archaeology Laboratory
The Archaeology Laboratory offers capacities for analysing archaeological materials using traditional and emerging methods. more
Biochemistry Laboratory
The Biochemistry Laboratory specializes in generating biomolecular data to investigate ancient human activities and paleo-environments. more
Computational Archaeology Lab
The Computational Archaeology Lab produces and supports the production of new open-source software for historical and archaeological research. more
Metabolites and Single Compounds Laboratory
These laboratories undertake several biochemical and isotopic studies, including analyses of lipid residues, secondary metabolites, faecal biomarkers, and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis. more
Palaeoecology and Palaeobotany Laboratories
These laboratories include facilities for the investigation of macrobotanical remains as well as phytolith and starch microremains. more
Palaeoproteomics Laboratories
These facilities support the analysis of ancient proteins from diverse archaeological remains, including bone, dental calculus (mineralised tooth tartar), and ceramic and tool residues. more
Radiocarbon Laboratory
This laboratory services the different archaeological projects at MPI-GEA. Fundamental research is undertaken to improve the quality of radiocarbon measurements and expand range of radiocarbon applications. more
Stable Isotope Laboratories
These laboratories facilitate dedicated, state-of-the art stable isotope analysis of archaeological materials like bones, teeth, hair, sediments, soils and water. more
Zooarchaeology and ZooMS Laboratories
These laboratories offer facilities for the morphological and biomolecular identification of osteological remains from archaeological sites. more
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