Selected Events

Speaker: Various Host: Department of Archaeology Location: Zoom

Paleo Talks Seminar Series - Sapiens in South Asia: Multi-faceted story of peopling in the Indian continent

Sapiens in South Asia: Multi-faceted story of peopling in the Indian continent
Paleo Talks presents "Sapiens in South Asia: Multi-faceted story of peopling in the Indian continent" (SSA) in association with the Department of Archaeology, MPI-GEA. This series aims to discuss current narratives of modern human arrival and expansion in the Indian subcontinent. Recent archaeological and genetic research postulate South Asia as a key region on the proposed dispersal routes of Modern Human expansion. Despite the importance of the region, however, archaeological data from South Asia rarely feature in discussions of human evolution, and little attempt has been made to bring South Asia's archaeological record to bear on discussions of its unique population dynamics. SSA will curate 15 exclusive sessions to review and discuss different facet of evolution of anatomical Modern Humans in Indian subcontinent, covering themes of paleolithic progression, genetics, ecology, and paleoanthropology. [more]
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