Selected Media Reports 2015

Das Forschungsquartett
A Visit at MPI for the Science of Human History - Interview with Directors Russell Gray and Johannes Krause on Aired on Dec. 9th, 2015 (only in German)., 27st Nov. 2015
8.000 Jahre Anpassung in Europa haben Spuren in unseren Genen hinterlassen
Thüringer Allgemeine, 26. Nov. 2015
Eichsfelder Genetiker an wichtigen Erkenntnissen beteiligt
Wissenschaft aktuell, 24th Nov. 2015
Genetische Anpassung: Als die Europäer sesshaft wurden, 23rd Nov. 2015
Study tracks gene changes during the introduction of farming in Europe
IPHES News, 23rd Nov. 2015
Genetic selectivity discovered amongst Eurasians over the last 8,000 thousand years as a response to adaptive needs
Popular Archaeology, 23rd Nov. 2015
Studies illuminate human evolutionary past

Thüringer Landeszeitung | 14th Nov. 2015
Wie wir wurden, wer wir sind (How we became, who we are)

Wolfgang Hirsch, science writer at Thüringer Landeszeitung introduces MPI for the Science of Human History [in German].
Online version available at: more
Süddeutsche Zeitung | Wissen | 24./25. Oct. 2015
"Auch eine große Sprache kann sterben" (Even big languages can die)

An interview with Martin Haspelmath, MPI for the Science of Human History, Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution about the difficult search for the origin of the Indo-Europaen languages. By Walter Willem [in German].

Online version availabe at: more

Zur Pressemitteilung/To press release: Epoche des Umbruchs – Studie wirft neues Licht auf Bronzezeit in Deutschland (Quelle: dpa-Dossier Wissenschaft vom 21. Okt. 2015)

Augsburger Allgemeine, 13. December 2015
Schatz vom Lechfeld schreibt die Geschichte um
ebenso Allgäuer Zeitung, Rieser Nachrichten, Landsberger Tagblatt, Günzburger Zeitung und Schwabmünchner Allgemeine, 26. Okt. 2015
Europas erste Waffenschmieden und ihre Kunden
Die Welt, 26. Okt. 2015
Schmiede der Menschheit
Bell Beaker Blogger, 22nd Oct. 2015
Re-writing Early Bronze Age [Radio Dates]

Hörsaal - Wo kommen wir her?
Genetic Makeup of Europeans - Public talk by Johannes Krause, Director Dept. of Archaeogenentics at 61. Ernst-Abbe-Kolloguium on July 22, 2015  [in German].
New life for old bones

New life for old bones, 24 July 2015 - A feature article in Science on ancient DNA highlights Johannes Krause's work.
bdw-Title: The mysterious Third

bdw-Title: The mysterious Third

Article about the latest findings of Wolfgang Haak and Johannes Krause, Dept. of Archaeogenetics, among others, on the genetic makeup of Europeans (in German).

Bild der Wissenschaft, No. 7/2015
Originally aired 20 June 2015 - Russell Gray talks to Kim Hill from Radio New Zealand about the evolution of language, specifically about the origins of the Indo-European languages. In this interview he also expresses his concern about the lack of basic science funding in New Zealand more

February 13, 2015 – Sciencemag
Mysterious Indo-European homeland may have been in the steppes of Ukraine and Russia
February 18, 2015 – Languages of the world
Is “massive migration from the steppe … a source for Indo-European languages in Europe”?
February 26, 2015 - Russia Insider
Scientists: Ancient Indo-European Homeland Was in the Russian-Ukrainian Steppe
March 03, 2015 - BBC News
Genomes document ancient mass migration to Europe
March 03, 2015 - Neue Züricher Zeitung
Die Ahnen der Mitteleuropäer - Mehrere Einwanderungswellen in der Jungsteinzeit

[mehr ...]

March 02, 2015 –
Steinzeitliche Ahnen der Mitteleuropäer kamen aus Südrussland
March 02, 2015 - Wiener Zeitung
Gemeinsamer Ursprung
March 02, 2015 -
Unsere Ahnen kamen aus Südrussland
March 02, 2015 - Solothurner Zeitung
Steinzeitliche Ahnen der Mitteleuropäer kamen aus Südrussland
March 02, 2015 -
Vor 7500 Jahren eingewandert - Sind wir alles Südrussen
March 02, 2015 –
Ahnen der Mitteleuropäer stammen aus Russland
March 02, 2015 -
Unsere Vorfahren waren Immigranten aus Südrussland
March 03, 2015 – U.S.News
Study of ancient DNA backs theory of massive steppe migration to Europe some 4,500 years ago
March 03, 2015 – National Geographic
Europe's Languages Were Carried From the East, DNA Shows
March 03, 2015– ABC News /Associated Press
DNA Study Backs Theory of Massive Steppe Migration to Europe
March 03, 2015 – Press TV (Ir)
Migrant farmers spread languages across Europe, DNA study confirms
March 03, 2015- The Christian Science Monitor
Where did Europe get its languages? Scientists uncover new evidence
March 03, 2015 - ABC Science
Herders spread Indo-European languages
March 03, 2015 - The LEAD
Ancient skeletons hold the key to origins of the spread of Indo-European language
March 03, 2015 –
Geographic Spread of the Indo-European Language Family
March 03, 2015 – National Monitor
New research on ancient DNA provides clues about European languages
March 03, 2015 –
Ancient skeletons hold key to origins of language
March 03, 2015 - PHYS ORG
Research challenges popular theory on origin of languages
March 03, 2015 –
Steppe Migration To Europe Could Explain Origin Of Modern Languages
March 04, 2015 – ScienceDaily
Genetic study revives debate on origin and expansion of Indo-European languages in Europe
March 04, 2015 – China Topix
Ancient Massive Migration Resulted in Modern European Languages
March 04, 2015 Sputnik International
Sprechen Sie Russian? Genetic Proof Russia Home to Indo-European Languages
March 04, –
DNA Study Backs Theory of Massive Steppe Migration
March 04, 2015 – SBS
Aussie scientists closer to unravelling language mysteries
March 04, 2015 – Demanjo
DNA study backs theory of massive steppe migration to Europe
March 05, 2015 - Demanjo
Steppe Migration To Europe Could Explain Origin Of Modern Languages
March 06, 2015 –
Spreading the word: Horse-riding pastalorists behind spread of language
March 09, 2015 – New Telegraph
Indo-European Tongues Traced to Tangled Roots
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