Before you enter a room
Tips to get maximum signal quality:
- Close all other programs on your computer
- Whenever possible, plug in with a cable to your internet box, don't use wifi
- Only enter one room at once! Your computer cannot connect to more than one video-conference at a time
- If you are having technical difficulties, test the link in a different browser
During the talks
- Login with your real name*. We will remove anyone who is not registered
- If you mistype your name, forgot to add your last name, or accidentally typed the access code in the name field, you can leave the room and re-enter. If you are having problems, the helpers will assist you
- Keep your microphone and camera OFF* unless you are given the floor for questions
- Activate the Closed Captions* function to see live subtitles
- Speakers: please speak slowly and clearly
- Type your questions for the speaker in the Public Chat* and your technical questions in a private chat with the Helpers
- Use reactions like “Raise Hand”, “Applaud”, or “Thumbs up” by setting your status* if you wish
How to enjoy an interdisciplinary conference
- Recognise that each discipline has its own beliefs, ways of working, & use of words
- Don't be afraid to ask basic questions (e.g. terminology, research approach...)
- Be patient, be willing to explain "basic" concepts to people from other disciplines
And remember
- Be respectful
- Do not share the workshop’s web links with anyone
- Helpers and organizers are always at your disposal for questions*
- And most importantly… enjoy the workshop!
(* you can check instructions on how to use these functions in the Technical Guidelines Handout included in your program)