Science for Policy Communication
Environmental History for Public Policy
- Date: Apr 5, 2022
- Time: 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Vitalba Crivello
- Policy Analyst at the European Science-Media Hub, STOA/DG EPRS, European Parliament
- Location: Online
- Host: Palaeo-Science and History Group (PS&H)
- Contact:
Vitalba Crivello will talk about the experience of the European Science-Media Hub, the platform of the European Parliament communicating sound science to the public. The Hub brings together scientists and media makers to work in an open, collaborative way, notably producing evidence-based information to engage with citizens and other ‘users’ of scientific data/results/approaches. On the basis of this experience, Vitalba will offer some examples and draw some conclusions on how to successfully communicate science for policy, with a special attention to environmental topics