Cross-Departmental Work-in-Progress Seminar
- Date: Jan 24, 2019
- Time: 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Location: MPI SHH Jena
- Room: Villa V14
- Host: MPI SHH Jena
- Contact:
Our next "Work-in-Progress" seminar featuring: Alicia Ventresca Miller (DA), Tao Li (Eurasia3Angle), Ning Chao (Eurasia3Angle)
- Alicia Ventresca Miller (DA): Mosaic of Millet: Adoption of cultigens by pastoral populations in central and inner Asia
- Tao Li (Eurasia3Angle): Millet farming dispersals to the Russian Far East
Ning Chao (Eurasia3Angle): Genomic Studies of Ancient Millet Farmers, Northeast
Each speaker presents her/his research within 10 minutes (in English) followed by 5 minutes of discussion. Please note that seating is limited and that doors will close once the room is full.
The next seminar will take place February 21 - save the date!