Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Amy Bogaard: "Recent Explorations of Early Urban Agroecology in Western Eurasia"
Distinguished Lecturer Seminar Series
- Date: Nov 7, 2018
- Time: 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Prof. Amy Bogaard
- Professor of Neolithic and Bronze Age Archaeology University of Oxford
- Location: MPI SHH Jena
- Room: Villa V14
- Host: Department of Archaeology
- Contact: nayak@shh.mpg.de

Organized by Ayushi Nayak
Amy Bogaard is Professor of Neolithic and Bronze Age Archaeology at the University of Oxford. Her research centres on the nature of early farming practices in Europe and western Asia and their social implications for Neolithic and Bronze Age societies. Her particular interests are in plant functional ecology and plant isotopes as complementary means of investigating the nature and role of early agriculture. She is collaborating with other archaeologists, archaeobotanists, zooarchaeologists and osteoarchaeologists working in western Asia, the Aegean and central Europe to develop new insights into the impact of early urbanisation on farming practice and economy.