Aired on TV

Research projects mentioned on Television.

Why Animals Are Smarter Than We Think
Campus Talks featuring Juliane Bräuer, ARD-alpha May, 09 2020 more
The Bronze Age: Mobile Women and Social Inequality
Campus Talks featuring Prof. Dr. Philipp W. Stockhammer. ARD-Alpha. April, 27 2020 (in German) more
<p>Presented on the Daily Show by Trevor Noah (starts at min. 4:49)</p>

Ancient Cannabis Smoking (Cannabiskonsum in der Vorgeschichte)

Presented on the Daily Show by Trevor Noah (starts at min. 4:49)

Exploring the Origins of the Apple

TV Report in German, MDR Thüringen Journal, 10.06.2019
Die Reise der Menschheit (in German)
Follow the documentary to learn more about humankind's history and how the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History contributed to the documentary. more
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