Training Course 2019 - International Applications of Archaeological Sciences
In response to the overwhelmingly positive feedback in March of 2018, the Department of Archaeology has decided to run the international training course for a second consecutive year. The course will be held at the department’s research and laboratory facilities in Jena, Germany. Note that spaces are highly limited and only select applications will be funded.

The event will run from the 20-30 of March, 2019. The course will cover a variety of methods, including quantitative lithics analyses, Geographical Information Systems approaches, ancient proteomics, ZooMS, stable isotope analysis, both micro and macroscopic methods in archaeobotany, morphological identifications in archaeozoology, human osteology, chronological methods and models, and statistical analysis. It is designed for junior researchers with extensive archaeological experience wishing to implement new methodologies within their home countries and expand the knowledge base within their institutions.
Course instructions will be in English. Flights, visas, travel by train or bus to/from Jena, accommodation, and course materials are provided for the selected participants. All software used will be open access, enabling attendees to apply learned skills without constraint. Course instructors will focus on methods that can feasibly be implemented outside well-funded laboratories and will seek to teach proper sampling methods.
We will consider applications from all qualified candidates; however, strong preference will be given to scholars from countries with poorly-funded or under-resourced archaeological or culture heritage programs. Interested early career scholars with a PhD or equivalent and fluency in English are encouraged to apply.
The application deadline is November 21st, 2018. Applicants should send a short (no more than 250 word) abstract describing their research interests as well as a full academic CV. Candidates will be selected based on their past scholarly performance, and overlapping research interests with scholars at the MPI Science of Human History. Bursary winners will be selected based on the general availability of funds in their country.
Please email the short abstract and the CV together to the following address by the deadline: